Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Frosty Morning

Winter is almost here and we even had a frost this morning so I know that the quilts, crocheted blankets, knitted hats and scarves will all be very welcome to those who had their lives disrupted by the floods and earthquakes.
Yesterday I delivered another 16 quilts to Rochester via Lesley Lowe who very kindly came over to pick them up. She also brought another lovely child's quilt (shown on my other blog) as well as lots of fleecy material, 20 knitted beanies, a scarf and more lovely cloth bags.
I had hoped to send lots of boxes up to Qld today but the truck broke down and won't be going this week. The good news is that this will give me more time to finish more quilts, blankets and scarves.
I also received a very large pile of more QAYG blocks and 3 beanies from Stephanie Driel (WA) and I also managed to finish another crocheted blanket (still some orange yarn left, LOL) as well as 4 more scarves.
Time to get some more things finished.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. such a shame about that truck, hope it gets going again soon before it gets too cold.
    you've got lots of lovely things to show there, busy busy.

  2. News re the truck, it will give me time to finish and post some more beanies to you.
