Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Was I Thinking?

Sorry that I've been missing for the past few days. I had a wonderful time at the Australasian Quilt Convention (AQC) in Melbourne and took 2 day classes with Gloria Loughman and Margaret McDonald. When I got home Monday night I spent the next two days in bed with a case of the flu.
I'm taking it easy and as I couldn't even sew or quilt my DH knew that I was feeling very unwell. LOL. We were supposed to be going camping with friends today and staying away for Easter but are hoping I'll feel well enough to go tomorrow.
As for the AQC it was lovely attending classes, shopping as well as viewing all the quilts on display.
My classes with Margaret McDonald were on a Feathered Star quilt and one she calls "Whirling Twirling". They are both her designs and her instructions and notes are excellent. My blog title says it all- What was I thinking!! as I have decided to piece these blocks by hand. The diamonds are 3/4" in size and I found it quite quick to hand piece them. I thought it would be a good project to work on while traveling. I'll show my progress as it occurs and I have enjoyed the quiet time of hand sewing. I feel my body relax and just enjoy the moment. I can recommend it after spending a lot of time on the sewing machine and I plan to prepare the pieces for blocks so I'll have some ready to take with me.
I also used my time in Melbourne to deliver quilts with 30 going to a person who is taking them to Charlton in Victoria for flood victims; and 9 going to a lady who is taking them to Cat in New Zealand for distribution in Christchurch.
I may be quiet for a few days while we are away but will be working on my knitting for the homeless as the need seems to be increasing this year with so many affected by the floods.
Take care and thanks for stopping by.
Love , Jan Mac


  1. What a NEAT venue for a quilt show, I love it! I see you are working hard on some beautiful new projects - I love the spinning!

    Hope you are feeling 100% again soon - flu really takes alot out of you! Hugs!

  2. I hope you are feeling better soon Jan and that you have a lovely restful Easter. The photos of the Melb Quilt Conv. are wonderful! thank you for sharing. What a beautiful venue too!!!
