Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quilting Retreat Here I Come...

The week has gone so quickly that I seem to have been quilting non-stop. I will have to do a back count of all the quilts finsihed for Feb and March but there's no time now as I'm off to a quilting retreat tomorrow on the beautiful NSW coast at Kiama. It started as a weekend event but we've managed to stretch it to 5 days now LOL.
We have lots of laughs and talk non-stop and catch up with friends we only see once a year. Members come from New Zealand and all around Australia and we are all members of the internet group- the Southern Cross Quilters.
I have packed my bags and I'm taking my knitting and crocheting this year as I want to make more blankets, hats and scarves for the homeless who have been displaced by the floods in Qld.
I'll miss the sewing machine but I can't sew and talk so Ill make up for it when I get back. I hope to have internet access so I can update my blog while I'm away but we'll see!
Today was another lovely day of donations arriving with Cherrie Rees (NSW) sending 4 beautiful tops and backings and they will be quilted ASAP and on their way to their new onwers soon.
I also received a wonderful parcel from Marina de Vries (Vic) and she sent a very generous donation to purchase supplies as well as a lovely QAYG quilt, shown on my other blog and 2 more tops and some lovely fabric for backings.
I also managed to take a photo of some of the hats and berets I made while I was away last week and I plan to have more to show when I get back home.
I'm posting a box containing 4 quilts, knitted teddy bears and hats to the NSW Womens' Refuge tomorrow on my way to Kiama and it's thanks to all your generous donations that we are able to help so many people who are in need at the moment.
Have fun with the QAYG blocks and take care everyone,
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. So glad they made it successfully. I always worry that I've written the wrong address. Enjoy all the chitchat and making. Cherrie
