Friday, March 11, 2011

More Comings and Goings

I've received more wonderful donations for the flood and earthquake survivors in Australia and New Zealand and the quilts have been going out the door quickly now. I sent off another 16 to Rochester in Victoria and that brings the total to 166 for the year to date. I received many parcels this week , including 6 quilts from Pam Wood (Vic) and 16 quilts from Jenni Omand (Vic) and a QAYG quilt from Jacqy Wong (Vic). The quilts are shown on my other blog
and will be much appreciated by the people of Rochester. I will be sending more quilts to Qld, Vic and NZ as soon as the quilt pile starts to grow again.
I also received 2 parcels from Suzanne Nicolson (NSW) and she very generously sent 3 quilt tops, 44 QAYG blocks and 4 sets of bindings. Mieke Vandelanotte (Belgium) sent another 4 lovely heart blocks and these will be made into tops very soon. Vivienne Howick, Carol Bennett and Mary Metcalf (New Zealand) sent another parcel of 53 QAYG blocks which is very generous considering that NZ are also having their own problems and many of these blocks will be made into quilts and returned to NZ to help their communities.
Teresa F. (USA) sent a lovely box of 17 QAYG blocks and a tote bag and Mary Neale and the Material Women from WA sent another 33 QAYG blocks. The last two parcels came from Margaret McBride and the Sew n' Sews group in Scotland and they sent 119 QAYG blocks which is a very generous donation and will make quilts for Australia as well as New Zealand.
I'm off for a break camping with DH and our friends so I'll be absent for about a week but will check in when I have email access. I won;t be completely idle as I'm taking my knitting and crocheting with me and plan to read a few books and knit hats and scarves as well as making more squares for blankets. Winter will be on its way very soon and Christchurch will be in need of warm quilts and garments to help them get through their cold weather.
I'm ready for winter as I've had enough of the humidity for this year so I'm looking forward to some cooler nights while we camp in the mountains.
Stay safe and I'll be back soon,
Jan Mac


  1. Lots of wonderful folk out there.

    Enjoy your camping with your DH.

  2. You are so wonderful doing for others that it's great that you are able to sit, read and do something for yourself as it shows in the photo. Enjoy this time. (By the way, 8 beanies knitted so far.)

  3. Have a great break Jan
    from the 'other Maria'

  4. Have a good break -you do a wonderful job and be encouraged that there are still more quilts "in the pipe line" although mine may not reach you until later in the year.
