Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Arrivals Monday - Part One

On Sunday I went to Melbourne for my AQA quilter's Monday meeting and had a lovely time. My DH very kindly picked up the mail as it was my birthday and he knew I'd be tired. What a sweet man! Yesterday was spent housecleaning and taking photos etc so here's the latest arrivals.
The Pretty set of 35 QAYG blocks made in pinks and purples were donated by a friend of Prue's from AQA. She was only going to make a few but couldn't stop so she made a whole set. I also received some lovely tops from Maryjane Morris. She is one of my blog readers and arranged to meet me to donate five huge bags of fabric as well as batting, 2 finished quilts (shown on the other blog) and some of quilt tops.
The next beautiful heart blocks came from Holland and were made by Donna Margolis who made 4 blocks.
The set of QAYG blocks made using small squares, were made and donated by Sandra McLay and she also donated a large bag of fabric and a quilt top.

The set of 4 QAYG blocks made in pretty pastel colours came from a quilter (V. Hubbard) in Sth Africa. The lovely knitted sweater is one of two sweaters and matching hats knitted and donated by Pam Stewart (Tas) and will be appreciated when the weather becomes colder, which won;t be too long away.
Thanks to the wonderful blog world these donations will all be used as quickly as possible and donated on your behalf.
More to come in part two.
Hugs Jan Mac

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