Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunny Monday

We've been very fortunate to avoid our property being flooded again. We live on the Broken River in Victoria and the river rises and falls very quickly normally, and it fills when we get rainfall in the hills to the east of us. This time the floods have come from the west of our State and 43 towns have been flooded but not us this time. If we do have a flood we have our whole farm flooded but we haven't had the water through our home and we are very grateful for that.
We have a creek which runs across our farm and it rose overnight but it has started to go down again now and the sun has been out which has helped to dry out our paddocks.
I've been busy making more QAYG blocks and I also received a lovely parcel today from Lorraine G (NSW). Lorraine sent 4 beautiful QAYG blocks, some FQs and some money to help pay for postage. They will all be put to good use and now that Victoria has also had severe flooding in some areas I know that I'll have an even bigger challenge to get more quilts made and donated. We have 5 of our States with flood damage and the need for help and support will be great. Some of these people were already homeless and have lost what few possessions they did have. Hopefully donations of some warm winter hats and scarves and some blankets or quilts will help to keep them warm.
Back to the machine again and please pass on the blog address so we can get more help with the QAYG block donations to make more quilts.
Cheers, Jan Mac


  1. Hi Jan:
    I'm hoping to have some blocks to send you from Nova Scotia, Canada. Some girls here are wondering how the blocks are eventually assembled. Do you sew them together with a seam on the right side of the blocks? Doesn't this create quite a lump? Then how would the lattice be sewn onto the front?

  2. So pleased you are safe and dry Jan.

  3. When you have some time, would you please send me directions on sewing the QAYG blocks together? I really like the way they look but can't figure out how to join them without the seams on one side of the quilt!


  4. Just thought I'd let you know that I started making QAYG blocks a couple of days ago. I've got 9 quilted so far. A couple of local ladies are donating fabric and fabric strips from their stash, so I'll be able to make more in a few days. Not sure how many I'll end up sending off to you as it will depend how far my stash plus donated fabric goes.

  5. i'm a SA gal but i'm from Qld and have family affected from the floods. I only just got directed to your post so i'll start this week on some blocks. I'll spread the word to my local quilting groups and my on-line groups.

  6. Do you have ANY idea how long it takes to go back to the QAYG blog post "Feb 2009"????????? I did it. And then I had to read the blogs from Feb 2209 to find the right one.
    It is a fearsome long time and all of us would appreciate so much a simple 'link' we could click on so we can see how you manage to finish these beautiful QAYG blocks into full size quilts!
    It is a very simple method and it would be GREAT if all the tutorials were "just a click away"!

  7. The direct link to that post is here: , you can copy and paste it if it doesn't show as a link in the comments.

  8. Hi Ulla,
    Thanks very much for your help with the link. I hope it makes it easier for everyone to find the tutorial now. You can join the blocks so they are in a zig-zag style or the way I have shown them recently.
    Cheers, Jan Mac

  9. Hi Penny, Check out the link to the tutorial. I try to stagger the thick and thin batting so the seam isn't too bulky. There are many ways to join QAYG blocks and I do it this way because it is quick and sturdy and all done on the sewing machine.
    Hope this helps, Jan Mac
