Thursday, December 2, 2010

We're Home

We had a very long flight home and as on our flight over we were just getting off one flight in time to catch another but Air New Zealand were fabulous again. Ray and Stephanie met us at the airport in Melbourne and we stayed and had our third breakfast for the day with them before leaving Julie to catch her flight to Tasmania.
It was hard to leave her after being joined at the hip for 4 weeks and having a wonderful time. We loved all the cities we visited and it's hard to choose a favourite. Boston had lots of history but was very cold. New York had all the shopping and Broadway shows to enjoy. Philadelphia also had lots of history and we stayed with an internet friend who made us very welcome. Washington DC was wonderful with lots of history and museum to visit with the DAR being my favourite, closely followed by the Museum of Fine Arts for the exhibition of French impressionists. Houston was our first city and we really enjoyed the Texan hospitality.
After all the walking we did it's a much slower pace at home now but we are enjoying the rest and are eagerly awaiting the parcel of goodies we posted home. As you can see I just had to buy a Texan stetson to match my Texan boots. Off to work for the next couple of days and then will be busy with preparations for Christmas.
It's hot and humid here and we're having lots of rain which is great for our drought-affected areas but very different from our stay in Denver where it was below freezing.
Take care, Love Jan Mac


  1. Great fun to follow you on your trip, thanks for all the posts.

  2. Glad you are both home safe and sound and had a wonderful trip. With your hat, you can now take up line dancing. Red suits you Jan. Cheers Jenni

  3. Loved your entire trip!!! It was great fun reading all of your posts and tracking your journey. Thanks so much for was wonderful!

  4. So glad you had such a great trip! Next time you'll have to sample the great Midwest, especially Minnesota. Never would have occurred to me that Aussies don't eat brownies! If you come back, I'll bake you some.
