Saturday, December 18, 2010

Endurance Award

Where has the week gone? Well for me it's been a blur of attending social events and sewing. On Wednesday I received a lovely silver photo frame, certificate and two wine glasses for reaching 25 years of service in the one job. The only time I've received an award for endurance and they give them out for every 5 years of service after 10 years initially so will have to see if I am still working here in another 5 years time. I actually semi-retired 15 months ago so DH and I could travel and now I only fill in when someone is on holidays or on sick leave. It suits me fine as it gives me some money to pay for my donation work and time to spend making more quilts to donate.
Thursday morning I managed to finish off another quilt as well as some Christmas presents and then we drove to Melbourne to visit our youngest DD who has flown to the US today and hopes for a White Christmas in New York. She and a girl friend were in the semi-finals of a karaoke competition and we did enjoy the night, hearing them sing, and the standard was very high. She didn't qualify for the finals as she was going to be away when they are held next week. We came home from Melb yesterday and spent the day watching the cricket and having a nap so today I did get into action and quilted 2 children's quilts, finished the binding on one of them and have half-finished a QAYG quilt. I'll get them done tomorrow as this afternoon and evening I'm at the paid job and I'll post photos of the quilts tomorrow.
Christmas is coming very quickly here and I'm not quite ready yet!!
Hugs Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Well desevered Jan.
    I do not know how you manage all the things you do.
