Monday, May 31, 2010

I've been busy quilting

It's been great to get back into the swing of things at home and get back into quilting lots of tops to donate.
I finished off 6 quilts last week and here are 2 of them. The rest I'll show on my other blog at
I've also used a new thread in my bobbin on the short arm quilting machine and I love how it sinks into the backings. It's a much finer thread than I usually use and I don't have to rewind the bobbins as often.
I've managed to sell some patterns which helps me with postage costs for the donation quilts and I've worked some extra shifts as well which also helps.
Yesterday we went down to Melbourne to see the stage show, Mama Mia, and really enjoyed it even though we didn't know all the songs. Today I've been busy with a baby quilt for my new great niece. I plan to finsih it tomorrow and will show photos then.
Hugs Jan Mac

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