Sunday, April 25, 2010


I was going to post a quilty report but as it's ANZAC Day I thought I'd honour the soldier's of my family. The large photo of of my grandfather Les Ebbott and he was one of Jacka's Mob in World War 1. He was shot in the lung, sent to England for 4 months to recover and then back to the front. After that War he took over a soldier settlement block and became an orchardist.
That's why the next two photos were taken with the men posing in the orchard. The next photo is of my Dad when he enlisted at 18. He was a navigator and stationed in New Guinea. The last photo is of my Uncle Ted and he was a bomber in a G for George plane and was shot down over Germany just before he turned 21.
I never knew my Uncle Ted as he was killed before any of my generation were born. All his 4 siblings named one of their boys Edwin, to honour his memory.
My Dad is almost 85 now and doesn't talk much about his experiences but we're lucky to have the photos and I've taken on the task of scanning them all so I can share them with the rest of our extended family. More quilting reports later.
Hugs Jan Mac