Thursday, December 17, 2009

More Hand Work

I spent most of last week packing boxes of rice bags, cloth shopping bags, school supplies and some extra quilts I've been finishing off. My BIL very kindly provided a truck and driver so I could get them delivered in time to be shipped off to East Timor as well as for the areas devastated by earthquakes. It's been a big job and I'm relieved to have them out of the house so I can reclaim some space before the family comes home for Christmas. We've finished our shopping and I'm enjoying some time to work on hand work while I watch the cricket. We decided to take it easy now that our weather has warmed up so much so the air con is making life comfortable. It's a stark difference between our living conditions and what I experienced in Timor last year where even running water and power were not standardly supplied.
Thanks to all of your generous donations we have been able to make a difference to many others again this year. I'm working on a hexagon quilt which will also be donated. I was going to plan this one but decided to just stitch and allow the process to happen. I passed along a few of these happenstance hexagon quilts this year and they all looked lovely whether or not they were planned with flowers and colour or just done randomly. I also finsihed my second block for the Civil War Bride quilt from Threadbear. Now I need to prep another block.
Hugs Jan Mac


  1. Well done Jan, a huge effort. Now you can sit back for a few days and enjoy the AC and a bit of quiet hand stitching. I hope you have a lovely Christmas. K.

  2. Jan, your hand work is so good...can't wait to see you finished quilts. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. The honey web and the applique are both my favorite...but when you do the honey web the most important criteria is to choose very nice complimentary fabric...else the look does not appeal.

    heritage patchwork
