Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Huge Honour

Yesterday I was very surprised to receive a letter and certificate informing me that I was nominated for Australian of the Year Award 2010. I'm particularly surprised as if you nominate someone it's a very involved process which requires a lot of information about the person and is given to people well-known in the community for their work for others.
It's a huge honour and was totally unexpected so my family are thrilled. I was stunned but really pleased that the letter and certificate was signed by my hero, Adam Gilchrist, a former Aussie cricketer and current Chair of the National Australia Day Council.
I didn't make it to the finals but am very proud to be recognized for all the work I've been doing for others. How many times does a quilter get this recognition? Not very often I would think. I didn't need the award to encourage me to continue to make and donate quilts etc where others are in need but it's a lovely thing to do for someone. I asked the family if this means that living in a quilt factory makes it worth it. They said "almost"! I did manage to pack most of the quilting clutter away for Christmas and had planned to take a break from the donation quilts but managed to make another 2 QAYG quilts, from donated blocks, yesterday.
I don't know who nominated me but just wanted to say a very heart-felt thank you and Christmas blessings to all who have supported me to get the donated quilts where they are needed.
Hugs Jan Mac


  1. Oh My Goodness! Congratulations! What an honor.

  2. That is fabulous, Jan!!! You deserve the nomination. So glad someone took the time to surprise you in this wonderful way.

  3. Congratulations Jan. It is an honour you truly deserve. Have a great festive season.

  4. Congratulations, you totally derserve the nomination. Thank-you for all the work you do.

  5. Congratulations Jan, it is indeed an honour that you well deserve. Have a safe, happy and healthy holiday season.

  6. That is just wonderful, such a wonderful honor. Thank you for all of your hard work.


  7. What a wonderful surprise to receive the nomination. Judging by your achievements with all those donation quilts, it was very well deserved :).
    Helen in the UK
    (fellow HeartString member)

  8. Wow, congratulations!!! That is awesome.

  9. Congratulations Jan. A well deserved honor. You do such a great job always for many different people in need.

  10. Congratulations! It is an honour you deserve for the wonderful work you have been doing.

  11. Jan this is totally awesome news!!!

  12. Congratulations Jan! How wonderful to receive a nomination for such an award - well deserved too for all the wonderful work that you have done!
