Saturday, August 29, 2009

Busy Times and More Donations

So much for my blogging updates! As well as working night duty I've been busy with family illnesses. My Dad has lost half his vision in one eye so that involved a rush trip to Melbourne to The Eye and Ear Hospital. We were hoping it would be correctable with surgery but unfortunately there is nothing to be done so we came home again at 3am. Then I was up at 10am to drive back to Melbourne to look after my DD who had the flu. I've managed to finish off some quilts but no photos yet so I'll show you the beautiful queen sized quilt that a group from Henty (NSW) made for the bush fire survivors.

Juanita Eime organized the group and sent the photos which show how much fun they had while making this lovely quilt. They used Bonnie Hunter's (Quiltville) pattern.

Juanita wrote:"The quilt was displayed at the local school for a couple of days (they gave us free access to the school to use for our craft group to create the quilt) and then it will go on Sunday to our local church so that the members who contributed fabric and their time in the early stages can see the finished product, then will spend some time at our local craft shop that gave us the queen sized batting to put into the quilt, and then it will go on display at the local casserole luncheon. There are so many people who have been involved with this quilt and we thought that this would be the best way for most of them to get to see it before it goes off to it’s new family.

I’m excited. The quilt is scrappy, but is very lovingly made and has been an amazing community effort including contributions of sewing by a 9yr old girl (my daughter), artistic input to arrange the blocks from a 12yr old boy (who also had lots of fun with the sample sandwiches for the machine quilting workshop that I ran one night to teach the ladies how to use their ordinary sewing machine to quilt a block. He actually can machine quilt now!), and we have had contributions of fabric from a wide range of people and sewing from others. It has really brought people together, and has helped to take the focus of our small community away from the drought and focus on helping others in need. We’ve been surprised by how this design came together and actually all love the quilt ~ so it will be given with much love. There was one lady involved who has sewn most of her life, but this is her first quilt and she has been involved in the process from beginning to end. I am so pleased for her. It has taken our group 5 get togethers at various times. I’ve been coordinating the quilt, and studying full time externally this year and have 4 children (9,7,5,2) to chase after! Completing the quilt has been a wonderful way to unwind after my exams this past semester.

Anyway, I hope that you are excited as I am that you have another quilt coming your way."
As you can see, making quilts has brought many communities together to help the bush fire survivors and they love to read the stories about their quilts' history.
Thank you for all your many donations.
Hugs Jan mac

1 comment:

  1. This beautiful string spiderweb quilt is amazing! But even better, what an excellent example of the true spirit of a community! I absolutely love this story and the wonderful people of all ages and abilities who helped bring it into creation. Lovely!!
