Thursday, June 11, 2009

Snow at Kinglake

We've been hit with a sudden onset of cold weather and they've even had snow at Kinglake. I can't imagine how they are managing while living in tents and caravans. Many are determined to live on the site of their burned out homes so they can focus on rebuilding as well as protect the little they have managed to accumulate again.
There have been some lovely donations of knitted and crocheted hats, scarves and gloves so I sent off a large box to a new found friend at Kinglake and she will give them out with the quilts she's distributing.
We had a big day yesterday with a Doctor's appointment in Melbourne. The area of cancer was greater than originally thought but the professor was confident that he'd removed it all. Now it's just a matter of Ray slowly returning to his normal good health. He won't need chemo which is a relief and we are very grateful for all your lovely messages of support and prayers.
I have still been putting QAYG blocks togther into quilts and hope to get my production back into full swing again soon when my home nursing duties lessen. There were more parcels to pick up today and I'll post more photos on the other blog site soon.
Take care,
Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. dear Jan I am so glad to hear the news is good, you have been in my thoughts. Bernadette xx
