Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fire Again

Last night my brother's family home was burned down. This is the second time we've been touched by fire as my sister's business, a supermarket in Murchison, was also burned down on May 8th 2003. Both times the fire had not been caused by my family members and yet the devastation still has affected the family.
My brother had tenants in as he had bought a cottage on the coast and they were living there for twelve months and renting their home out to help meet their costs. Most of their possessions had been removed but the result is still horrible as my parents had given him a lot of help to build his mud brick home, and we'd also had some family working bees to construct the first part of the building. The tenant apparently used a fuel container to start the internal wood fire heater. No one was injured but the home is completely destroyed. In a strange act of fate my other brother and his son were returning from umpiring a local football match and they were first on the scene.
No photos to show and we haven't seen the damage yet as Ray wasn't well enough to leave the home yesterday. Like all families we'll give support to my brother and his family and pray that no more fires touch our lives. In the meantime I'm still putting quilts together for Kinglake families.
Hugs Jan Mac


  1. As someone whose family home burned down during my college years, I personally know the devastation and huge sense of loss that one faces.

    Back then, I lost my whole childhood of possessions up to my college years and had only a few things away in my college dorm room left.

    But to see a member of your own family, not once but twice face fires when you have worked endlessly and tirelessly to help bushfire victims is beyond unbelievable.

    My heart and my prayers go out to your family members. I am so sad for all of them.

  2. Jan how dreadful, i gasped when i saw the first line come up on my Dashboard. I am so, so sorry for your family, it's a terrible loss, especially as it was a handmade house. If there's anything at all we can contribute to ease the loss just a fraction then please let us know. love, Kaite
