Thursday, June 25, 2009


I've been busy quilting some of the tops that have been donated for the bush fire appeal and thought I'd better explain what I do with them and hope that no one is disappointed with me. If you've donated a top then please know that I will finish them and they will be used for the bush fire survivors. However as I have had many tops donated without backings, I have had to use some of the simpler scrappy tops as backings. I've also added borders to some of the tops to make them larger. So if you have checked the blog to see if your top has been finished and donated please don't be disappointed if you haven't seen it yet. I've made some of the quilts reversible as shown here and that has made it easier for me to get more quilts made. By using the simpler scrappy tops as backs, it's meant that I haven't had to buy as many backings which has given me more money for batting. Some of the backings have been donated Christmas tops so by using these I'm making a reversible quilt which can be used all year.
Please don't be offended too if I've added borders or made the tops larger by adding more blocks as it isn't because anything was wrong with the top but just so I can get more large quilts made and donated as that is what we are needing at the moment. It's easier to make a top larger and I've been working on those as well as more queen sized quilts from the QAYG blocks.
I really appreciate all the very generous donations which has made it possible to distribute so many quilts to date and I'm working hard to get more finished and donated, especially as winter is really upon us here.
Stay warm and I hope to show all the tops as they are finished so you can see what happens to the donations.
Hugs Jan Mac


  1. Disappointed? surely not, i think everyone would be delighted to know that their quilt top has been made into something really worthwhile and very useable. And if you've made tops into backs and backs into tops then the lucky recipient is getting two in one to admire and be comforted by depending upon the season.
    Well done Jan for being so resourceful. Kaite

  2. I agree with KaiteM. You are such and angel to do all that you do.

  3. You are doing such an unbelievably amazing job that only someone who never reads here and doesn't appreciate the super human effort and the love and the great skill that each quilt has been given, could ever, ever be disappointed! I think that the idea of a reversible or mult-useable quilt is fantastic! Two quilts in one and only half the space to store them;) The families will only be doubly delighted and we are all just thrilled by your finished projects! They are all beautiful in all are you!!!!

  4. Jan, What you are doing is Amazing and the response of others to help meet the need is absolutely incredible! Blessings, Pat
