Sunday, May 31, 2009

Knitted Hat Pattern

As there have been a few requests for a beanie pattern I thought I'd post it here. This is one I made up.
Adult Hat:
50gm 8 ply wool.
Cast on 120 stitches and work in rib (knit 1, purl1) for 12 rows using size 10 needles.
Change to size 8 needles and knit 28 rows of stocking stitch. (I work the stripes in with the stripes about 4 rows for each colour)
To shape the crown, knit 10 stitches, knit 2 together, and continue to end of row. Purl next row. Next row knit 9 stitches, knit 2 together and cont to end of row. Repeat rows while decreasing in alternate rows by one stitch between knitting 2 together. ie. 1st row, knit 10, knit 2 together, 2nd row knit 9, knit 2 toget, 3rd row knit 8 knit 2 together and so on. Continue until last row where you knit 2 together across the row. Then put remaining stitches on sewing needle and draw up before sewing down the seams of the hat.
I also make a slightly smaller size for young adults or teens, using 110 stitches and rib for 10 rows, then knitting for 26 rows before decreasing for the crown.
There's many pattterns you can google for so have fun if you want to make some hats for the bush fire survivors. I also make these and send them to East Timor.
My post raised quite a few questions about whether or not the donated money has been distributed to those affected by the fires and questions were raised about whether or not they could afford to buy a hat and scarf. I don't know how many have not received money and I'm certainly not questioning whether or not the funds are being administered properly. I do know that the task is huge and that many are still experiencing a great deal of stress after their terrifying experience. Normally many people in those communities would most likely have been able to knit for their own families. However, as many have lost their homes, the effort of replacing their knitting supplies, sewing supplies or whatever is needed is something they are just not able to face yet. Some have said that when they went to the relief centres for assistance, because they escaped with only the clothes on their back and in many cases didn't even have shoes, they were unable to even make decisions about what they needed. This is a common reaction to stress and many are still in this situation. The clothing given to recovery centres were summer clothes as it was during a period of intensely hot weather conditions and now warmer clothing will be needed. I'm sure that there are many groups such as the Salvos helping in these communities as they recover and rebuild their lives, but many people will not necessarily ask for more help. Often their response has been that there are others worse off than them and they are reluctant to accept too many donated goods. That is why we chose to start giving the quilts out through the schools and then the adults have been willing to accept them when they saw their children's happy reactions to them.
As there are so many people affected and many rules and regulations regarding donations of money, it has been much easier for us, along with many church and community groups to offer assistance in a tangible form. I don't expect that thousands of hats and scarves are needed but I'm sure that they will be appreciated, especially as they will have trouble drying wet clothes and staying warm if they are living on their home site in a caravan or whatever.
I'll leave it up to you whether or not you want to make and send a hat or scarf and I'll be distributing them when we hand out more quilts via the locals in each area.
Thanks for all your support.
Jan Mac


  1. Hi Jan
    I thought I would comment here - rather than on the list - good on you!!! I am not sure where this mean spirited backlash has suddenly come from - I mean a knitted scarf/beanie is a lot less money than a quilt for heaven's sake! I guess some people just don't get it - when you are trying to solve the big problems - like finding a roof over your head I guess you're less concerned with popping out to the shops to buy a beanie and nice matching scarf.
    Urgh - some people! But then there are sugar-pies like you to make up for the vinegar veined others. I've got lots of knitted scarves I could send to you - will send you an email.....

  2. hi Jan, my first beanie knitted up today and Mum's working on one too. We've got a week of cold wintery weather coming up here so i expect i'll have more inside time (rather than outside garden jobs) to make a few more. thanks for the pattern. I have also posted my London beanie pattern up on my blog just now. K.

  3. Hi Jan,
    My nameis caroll. My husband and i got out 20 minutes before the fire overtook our home,business,all my furniture,clothing and special things, all the business , and office equipment and my car. We were unfortunately very underinsured. We have no income now and no home and no "stuff" either. We would both love a handmade scalf and it would mean so much more to us that it was made with love.
    thankyou all so much for all your support and kindness.
    It all goes so much deeper than $.
