Saturday, March 21, 2009

Away Too Long

My computer's video card crashed so I was offline for most of the week. It was a nuisance but at least it gave me more time at the sewing machine. I've received some fabulous quilts, tops and blocks to be donated to the bush fire survivors and they will all be appreciated.
Thanks to my angel quilters who have donated binding and the QAYG blocks, I've been busy getting more quilts finished and still have a pile of blocks to use up.
Many thanks to all of you for all your beautiful fabric as well and for trusting me to finish off the tops and blocks and donate them on your behalf.
My post office staff can't believe how many parcels I've been getting and the maximum number has been 12 so far. I've posted the details on my other blog at
Thank you for all your support and please spread my blogs details so that more can be reached as we still need more help.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, as always Jan! You and the work you do is such a blessing in the lives of all who come here to read, are inspired by you, or appreciate the gifts from your overflowing and generous heart. I listed both of your blogs on my own, I will do a special post on you very soon and I have 21 quilt blocks in a postal bag ready to go for you. I wish I could send them in a finished top but I leave from Oregon to head north to Alaska in a few days and I have over estimated both my abilities and my time for getting my own things done here. I go to my home state to take care of my parents every 3 months or so and stay a whole month. I love them and love Alaska..but there is so much I wish I could still do here. It is quilters like you that keep me going when I'm tired or when I think I can't give to one more cause. I don't think you know what an impact you have on others. Blessings to you in all ways!
