Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quilters are so Generous

I was asked to speak about my trip to East Timor at the Australian Quilters Association (AQA) meeting on Monday. I also spoke about my donation quilts at their Quilt-In a few years ago so I was very honoured to be asked to speak again.
They are a lovely group of ladies and they were very interested in conditions in Timor and what may be done for the people. They also donated orphan blocks, tops and fabric. Here's two of the quilts which just needed binding. The other is a fabulous set of blocks which have been beautifully quilted. They have no backing so I'll add that and the sashing to put them together in the QAYG style. They also passed the hat around and combined with my speaker's fee, they donated almost $500. That was just such a lovely gesture and will all be put towards helping in Timor. I'll post later on how I used the money. I've been working extra shifts to pay for my next trip over there so any money I can make through speaking or fund-raising will all be donated where it can be of the most help. It's also very encouraging to have others who are interested in how they can help women in other countries. Back to quilting today beofre it gets too hot. I'm on holidays for 2 weeks so i'm going to enjoy playing with fabric as usual.


  1. I just love the Noah's Ark panel.
    Do you know the company or designer who put that panel out? My sewing room has my Noah ark collection in it and that panel would look great on the wall.

  2. That is very generous! Wow. They are wonderful quilters.

  3. I recognise those quilted blocks. I have a set in my cupboard, not put together yet. The quilt is called Mocha, and is taught by Deb Layt of The Patchwork was a lot of fun, and taught me a lot, too.
    I'm still numb. Overloaded with smoke haze, overwhelmed by the shocking images we're seeing every day. Our plans of relocating have literally gone up in smoke, and our hearts go out to all those families. Maybe one day soon we can re-visit those plans, and perhaps help one of those communities to recover. The magnificent landscape has been reduced to ashes, but in this beautiful land things have a way of growing back. No comfort to those that lost their lives, but they will be remembered, I'm 100% sure of that! Let's all help make a memorial, in some way or another."Her beauty and her cruelty, the wide brown land for me". I'm so proud to be an Aussie. Isn't it wonderful to see everyone pulling together in these days of need.
