Sunday, February 15, 2009

Positive Action

I've been so happy with the very positive response that has come from quilters around the world who have volunteered to donate quilts or QAYG blocks for the Victorian bushfire project.
Please post them to me at: Jan MacFadyen
35 Trevaskis Rd
Kialla East, Vic 3631 Australia.
I am working with locals in the fire-affected areas to make sure the quilts are given to the right people and when they are ready to focus on re-building. At the moment they need time to grieve for all those they have lost from their communities as well as their homes, schools and so on. The quilts will be shown on my other blog at
This is one way to share and show all the wonderful donations from quilters who are reaching out to those who have been affected by this tragedy. The locals have particularly asked for quilts for the kids as they have lost friends, school mates, members of their sporting teams as well as well-known members of their community. The quilts will be given out through community groups without a lot of fanfare as these are proud people would would normally be the people giving the help. I am also happy to accept soft toys etc as they can buy stuff but they have lost all those loved and special toys they owned. As one lady said the quilts will provide a treasured gift for their family and let them know they were in our thoughts and prayers.
I've been particularly concentrating on making QAYG blocks which are suitable for males ie. not an obvious floral among the strings. Here's 4 I've just run up today as well as finishing the binding of 3 I quilted yesterday. More photos to follow later. If I haven't answered your emails or questions please be patient as I'm busy quilting too and restricting my time on the compoter.


  1. Hi Jan! I couldn't sleep tonight and in a roundabout way, I ended up discovering your blog. I am so glad that I did! I have gone back and read all of your posts since you began blogging and I am so deeply touched by every single thing that you do and how big and generous and caring your heart is. I just want to say 'thank you' for all you do for others and for the wonderful tutorial on a QAYG technique for string quilt blocks. As a member of Heartstrings, I love them, too and I can't wait to try making them this way! I couldn't find a profile page with an email addy for you, so am just commenting here. I want to say that the world needs more women like you in it. You are truly one of this world's earth angels! Blessing in all you do for the people of East Timor and everywhere! Michele Salem Oregon USA

  2. HI Jan. just wanted to drop you a note and let you know I'm posting two quilts to you today - a baby one and a lap size one. Thanks so much for setting this all up.


  3. Thanks to your comments about the need for larger quilts, my quilt group will make one instead of the two smaller that we'd originally planned. My husband and I will bring it with us on our long planned trip to Victoria. (Postage from CT, USA would stress our 13 member quilt group's treasury) I will post it to you after we've arrived April 7, unless you have a suggestion for a drop off venue in the greater Melbourne area. We so admire your efforts!

  4. Hi Jan
    I live in Shepparton and have a quilt top , that was made by a friend , with backing fabric (still to be put together) to give to you, to forward to bush fire victims. I was wondering if I could drop it off to you or meet to give it to you. The material is pink with small white flowers, probably suit an older person. I was trying to make a quilt top as well, i have cut out some squares, and havent quite got the sewing machine out yet, so I am hoping to have another quilt top for you soon. In an I spy type of colouring, brights for a boy or child.
    You can email me on to organise me to get the pink quilt to you.
    from Genevieve JAckson

  5. wow this looks like a cool quilt community. I love this community.

    online quilting community

  6. Hi Jan

    My husband Toby will be delivering a trailer load of quilts from Tia in Alice Springs. Can you please email me at to arrange the drop off.

    Kind regards

