Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Looking Up

Well things are looking up here with our DD improving and hopefully will be back to normal soon.
I've been busy making heart string blocks and more crumb blocks, using up scraps and have enough to make a couple of more quilts.
It's my lovely Mum's birthday today on the 7th, and she passed away two years ago on the 11th of January so she's been in my thoughts more than usual. I've been chuckling as she used to ask why I bothered working with scraps of fabric when there is so much lovely fabric to use. I know she's right but I also love working with scraps that would normally be thrown out.
I'm also sharing a couple of lovely quilts displayed at the Vic Quilters Show in 2008. The tulip quilt could be made with scraps and I think I've seen one before, maybe by Gwen Marsden.
Enjoy while I'm off to my paid job today.


  1. Oh the quilts are so nostalgic. Piecing from scraps does more to the soul I think than just making pieces for a quilt. It seems to make all the pieces of our lives come together with some sort of balance. Memories of loved ones gone on, come and go at different times don't they. My brother passed Dec. 11, 1990 and this past year I thought of him more than I had for a few years. No rhyme nor reason. My best to you.
