Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Wedding Anniversary

It was our 29th wedding anniversary yesterday and we had a lovely day together, I sewed up this bag from a half completed table runner which was donated for my charity work. It was easy to convert it into a bag and will make a lady in East Timor happy as she can take her goods to market instead of using a plastic bag. I have some more bits and pieces that I'm giving a new purpose before I donate them and I'm trying to clean up my sewing room as well- a never ending task!!
We spent the evening picking up our youngest DD from the airport, 2 hours drive away from home, and I'm grateful for my 29 years with DH and hopefully at least that many in the future. Today I'm planning to take some quilts to the local women's refuge for them to hand out for Christmas and also finish off some more booties and bags.
I must get the Christmas tree up too and start playing some carols to get into the mood for the season.

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