Sunday, September 14, 2008

Very Exciting News

I have donated over 1,500 quilts to orphanages in East Timor, over the last 5 years. On Friday I was invited to visit East Timor, leaving in 12 days time. What an honour and what a rush to get ready! I have managed to get someone to replace me at work and tomorrow I'm going to Melbourne to get a passport as mine had expired. Then I need to get my innoculations etc this week.
I'm not sure what I'll be doing but I think Rotary are building more orphanages, and it was suggested that I could work with the local women and children, maybe teaching sewing, quilting etc. I have been told that over half the population of one million people is under the age of 15 due to years of civil war. I'm regarding this trip as a way to find out more about how I can help as they are a very new country and very poor.
I am a nurse as well so I need to get a medical kit to take in case I can be of use.
Also I have more quilts to take as well as sewing kits to get ready. So much to do and so exciting! I'll give more updates when I have more news.
Hugs JJ


  1. Wow, that sounds exciting. Hope you have a great time. I love the string quilt in the last post,I've got a heap of blocks put away somewhereso I should unearth them and finish them up too.

  2. Hey JJ.

    As a fellow SCQuilter I am very proud of you. Your dedication and devotion are something that I look up to and admire.


  3. congrats JJ and very well deserving.. as a fellow squilter I admire everything you do for those less fortunate, keep up the great work. Enjoy your time away.

  4. Wow! Such kindness! Have a great trip!
