Saturday, September 6, 2008

Spring At Last

I love this weather we're having as I seem to get so much done. After doing 3 loads of washing I managed to clean out some of my sewing room. Probably it would be more accurate to say that excavation took place. I did manage to unearth some donated UFOs to work on. I also quilted and bound the baby quilt for the family friend. My DD wanted it to be bright and I think this fits the bill!
I also finished another quilt for Quilts Of Love and now I'd better get a pink one done after donating 2 in blue.
The third photo is one of the donated UFOs I found. It's a package of 4.5" half sq triangles which I'm piecing into blocks. I'd only made one until today. I plan to get a top finished tonight and the fabric is lovely in muted colours with some reproduction prints. It will make a very nice donation quilt for a male. Better get back to the sewing. Hope you enjoy the photos.
Cheers, JJ.

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